Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tomorrow's the day!

Well, folks, I am leaving tomorrow! 
With my two suitcases (each 50 lbs), violin, sweatshirt that I have to wear, and carry-on bag consisting of:
 -a million books (not really, but 5 lbs worth!)
-a million books of music (close to it!)
-all the cords for my technology
...and more!
I seriously hope both of my suitcases are okay weight-wise because I have NO room for taking stuff out and putting it in the carry-on. It has been so ridiculous trying to pack! I need 100 lbs of stuff for one summer? Apparently... 
Hopefully I'll have used up stuff and can leave some stuff there so that coming back will be easier? I hope!

I'm going to miss everyone here at home! See you at the end of the summer. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Only 16 days...

until I leave! 
I am finally done with school (longest semester ever!). So now starts my packing for camp. Like, today. :) Here's the suitcase I'm packing in. How many of you think that I, Emily, will actually be able to get everything I need for the summer in that? And one carry-on bag. Yeah, I'm having serious doubts myself. :/
This is going to be a test for me- how much can I leave behind? haha :) I'll let you know how it turns out!

For those of you who don't know anything about the camp, here are a few pictures I took when I visited for a week 2 years ago (along with a few pictures from flying :))...

So before I flew for the first time, I always saw these aerial pictures and wondered if that's what it really looked like, but now I know...it's for real! Isn't that an awesome view?! And I love how you can see the water too. :)

Some pictures of the camp grounds

Beautiful lake! Maybe I'll learn to swim this summer? :)

Game time

Like the jeep? :)

This is my absolute favorite picture from flying last time! It was so gorgeous, and we were above the clouds! Definitely an awesome experience to see more of God's creation so up-close!  

I'm looking forward to taking another like 30 pictures just while flying. ;)

I'll have to take more pics of the scenery once I get there. As much as I'm able, I hope to keep this up during the summer, so all of you can see what's going on with camp and the adventures I'm up to. :) 
Can't wait!