Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tomorrow's the day!

Well, folks, I am leaving tomorrow! 
With my two suitcases (each 50 lbs), violin, sweatshirt that I have to wear, and carry-on bag consisting of:
 -a million books (not really, but 5 lbs worth!)
-a million books of music (close to it!)
-all the cords for my technology
...and more!
I seriously hope both of my suitcases are okay weight-wise because I have NO room for taking stuff out and putting it in the carry-on. It has been so ridiculous trying to pack! I need 100 lbs of stuff for one summer? Apparently... 
Hopefully I'll have used up stuff and can leave some stuff there so that coming back will be easier? I hope!

I'm going to miss everyone here at home! See you at the end of the summer. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sooo excited for you! Will be praying for you and would just like to say I am the FIRST follower of your blog! :D Your posts make me laugh...can't wait to see more! See ya in July!
    Love you lots!! Jacquelyn
