Monday, August 8, 2011

Primary Camp 2

I'm home! After 12 weeks of being away, I'm finally back home- with my own bed, my own shower, my own dresser, my own... ok you get it. :) But I need to let you guys know how my last week of camp went! As I mentioned in my last post, I counseled primaries this past week. I only ended up having 3 campers: one was 7  years old and two were 8 years old. It was definitely different than counseling juniors just because I had to help them so much or tell them a thousand times (not really) to do something before they actually did it. I guess I was getting trained to be a mom... :) Thankfully they were too young to realize they could fake being sick, so I didn't have to deal with any of that! I'm kind of glad I only had 3, though, because I was able to have more one-on-one time with each of them, it was much easier to keep up with 3 kids versus 9 or more, and the room was much cleaner than normal! I actually got a 101 for cabin inspection one day, which was a first for me. :) The Lord definitely was continuing to teach me patience, though, especially with my 7 year old. :) I enjoyed the week, though, and I think my campers had a really good time as well. There were a few juniors and one primary at least that saved, so that was a blessing and answer to prayer! The week was kind of hard, too, because all of us wanted to hang out with each other one last time before we had to leave. We were enjoying ourselves, but were all a little sad because we knew that when the campers left, we had to leave too! Saturday was a rough day. :) Thankfully, my flight ended up leaving later than I had thought it was leaving, so I got to stay at camp a little longer and say bye to people instead of having to leave really early! I did manage to take even more pictures than other weeks because I wanted to document everything. :) So...I give from the week- one last time! :)/:(

Splash booth game on the first day of camp. The goal was to catch water balloons in pillow cases.

My 3 campers on the ship. L to R: Gauri, Rachel, and Ariana.

Ariana on the bungaline. My campers loved that thing!

It was so hot they decided we should play some water games. This is a game where the first person in line held a huge sponge under water until they said go, then they passed it back to the back of the line to be squeezed out into a bucket. Whichever team's bucket filled up first won. But the campers had to pass the sponge backwards over their head... I held it one time, and it was heavy! Several of the campers would fall backward every time they tried to pass it. :) 

Give you an idea of how heavy it was? :)

My precious campers after devotions :)

During God-and-I-time one morning.

Playing piano for morning chapel. This was during the penny parade.

Ariana riding the horse.

Every Junior/Primary week, each cabin competes against the others to see which has the highest average of verses said by Thursday morning. Whichever one has the highest average gets to go to the island for a cookout lunch. Since I only had 3 campers and 2 of them said all the verses, 4 bonus passages, and started over with the list again, we had a high average! So... my cabin got to go, and the highest Junior cabin went as well. I think my girls had a lot of fun. They enjoyed riding the pontoon boat over there!

The island - taken as we were heading back to camp.

Crazy dish set night! I had a huge bowl and Bethany had...we don't know what that was. :)

What? Only 1? :)

Mr. Ed, the speaker, and the dummy :), whose name I cannot remember. (Henry or Harry or something)

Some of the counselors- 2 had already left and 2 or more were preoccupied at the moment. L to R: Jeremy, Micheal, Mark, Luke, Nathan, Ashley, Bethany, Allison, Julie, and me.

Girl counselors singing "I am coming, Lord"

Doing a one-on-one with Gauri. 

After I emptied my stuff out of the closet, the girls wanted to play in there! They would shut the door and I could hear them giggling inside. :)

Bethany and I

Saturday cleaning of the deluxe rooms. Do we look just a little tired? :)

3 Musketeers!

Well, I want to praise the Lord for a great summer! It was hard to leave, and I'm missing camp and all the people, but it's good to be home. Now I have to switch gears and get ready for school to start back up...still have to finish this chapter of my life! :) Please pray for me this school year! I want to keep up the decisions I made this summer, make good grades :), and be a good testimony and witness for the Lord at school. I'm excited to see what the Lord will do this semester! Thank you all for your prayers for me this summer, and I hope that this blog was a blessing or at least provided some entertainment! :) 


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