Saturday, June 4, 2011

Training: COMPLETE

Happy Saturday! We have finished our week and a half of training! I have to say, it's been a great week and a half. The Lord has really been working in my life and showing me things that I need to work on. I said one night during testimonies that if I was leaving now, I would have plenty to work on, but I'm very thankful that I have the whole summer still ahead of me to grow even more! So our schedule for training was pretty intense! We had leadership sessions every day (at least 2 a day), a service at night, case studies some days...we also learned about the games the campers will be playing as well as other important topics we needed to cover regarding counselling. I'm tired, but I've really enjoyed it! It's almost been like a week of camp with all the sessions and preaching we got! :) The girls are all so much fun! And...girls + fun = pictures! A lot of pictures :) Get ready, get set, go!!

Checking in at the airport! Which took forever...

The girl counselors minus one (Allison). From L to R: Caris, Ashley, me, Bethany, Kaylee, Charity, and Clara. 

Cute pose...

...CrAzY pose!

Bethany, Ashley, and me

Ashley and Kaylee

Case Studies session

The BLUE TEAM!! with some crazy faces :)

Counselor choir practice. Obviously, the guys weren't too into this picture... :)

Oma adding her shoes to the line. Caris and I counted the pairs of shoes in the hallway and the ones that were still in all the rooms. We reached a grand total of........ 125 pairs of shoes for approximately 30 girls. Are you shocked?!

the gorgeous lake

The counselor girls before taking the swim test. I think 3 or 4 of them passed and the others did well too--good job girls!

Me, Ashley, and Bethany

All the girl counselors on picture day with our lovely :) shirts

trying not to fall!

and...we did it!

Me and Oma (who is from Ireland!)

Heading out to the bog on Thursday morning. It was cold!

All the counselors at Lookout Point. L to R: Allison, Charity, me, Ashley, Jesse, Kaylee, Clara, Caris, Julie, Miss Tina, Mr. Stephen, Tyler, Jeremy, Nathan, Luke, Bethany, Micheal, Dan, and Mark. 

Hiding behind the door for one of the skits :)

Kaylee and Rachel

Hanging out before FUN TIME!

The messiest cabin on surprise cabin inspection day...these guys had way too much fun singing Old McDonald had a Farm... 

and today... Julie, Ashley, Allison, Margaret, and I tried to make our way to Goodwill. But after driving around for over an hour, we only made it to the Walmart right near here. This is Margaret trying to get some advice from a Chicago map. It didn't help much... :/ This was also while Ashley was looking in the woods (from the car window) for a bear that I had spotted! (Really she just can't hear- I actually asked about a mirror! :))

If you're like me, you loved all those pictures. If you're not, sorry... :) It's been great so far! The weather has actually been pretty awesome almost every day. The first few days were kind of cold. It is very windy here though! Not so great for the hair... :) I have to get back to my schedule for the evening, but it I can, I'll upload some VIDEOS tomorrow! ;) 


  1. Loooved all the pics! You are going to have soo much fun...looks like you already are! :) Thanks for sharing the pics! Keep putting names with the pics, so I can stop getting confused about who is who and which ones I know. :)
    Love ya! Janequa ;)

  2. Looks like you are having fun. That pick of the lake made me wanna come up there and go off the rope swing.

