Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Camp 3

We just finished our last week of family camp. It was much bigger than the two previous ones! I worked with Junior church (1st-6th grades) in the morning, and at night, I worked in infant nursery. For Jr. church, we had 46 kids! There were 2 guys that preached and led music, etc. and another girl and I helped with crafts and games, etc. It was pretty crazy! In the nursery one night we had 6 kids! Usually there were at least 4. And there were only 2 of us assigned, but one person would kind of rotate around the three nurseries helping wherever she was needed, so she usually took one crying baby out. :) I must say, I'm getting a lot of experience working with babies and young children this summer! I also baby-sat a few times throughout the week. The kids were very cute. :) It was a pretty busy week, but I enjoyed having stuff to do all week for once!  And since I'm sure you're all sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for pictures, here they come! (Sorry there aren't that many again... :( )

On Monday, since it was July 4th, we had a cookout down by the horses. This is Julie and I.

Hannah Hatchett and I 

Clara and Levi

The 2 Abby's (although one spells it Abbey:)) 

Second night in the nursery. The baby on the left would cry if I let her go, so I had to hold her the whole time. Then the one on the right started crying, so I picked her up. Then, Brooklyn got jealous and wanted up too! :)

Poor kids...trying to escape!

Got one of them to sleep!

Jr. church. The boys sat on the left, and the girls on the right. 

Playing dodgeball with the kiddos. They loved it! Although they were more interested in just throwing the balls at each other. They didn't follow the rules too much. :)

One day I baby-sat down at the lake when it was family lakefront time, so that the parents could do their own thing. These two girls were hard to keep up with! Don't be deceived by this picture- most of the time they were running around! :)

Skit night with a few changes :)

View from the top of the super slide. On Friday, I was assigned to the top, but only one person and a video camera went down! I stayed for about an hour and a half and then I came down when the water quit working. So we opened up the rope swing, which is way more work, because lots of people wanted to go off of it!  

Next week is a Junior/Primary Camp. I will have juniors, and probably a lot of them! :) I'm normally on the blue team, but next week I'm going to be on the red team. :/ haha :) They need all of the girls to counsel, and there are 5 on the blue side, but only 4 rooms. And one of the girls on the red side won't be here next week, so they put me in her room. And that is why I will be on the red team. I have no red shirts. I don't know the cheers. This is going to be good. :) I have to switch my loyalties pretty fast!
Please pray for patience, wisdom, and strength for me this week, and pray that my cold goes away soon! I've had it for about a week already... There will be a lot of kids here next week, and I'm sure many of them will need to be saved. It would be great if we could see many of them saved by the end of the week! I appreciate all your prayers for me! 


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