Sunday, July 3, 2011

Teen Camp 1

This past week was the first teen week! I didn't manage to come up with a whole lot to do, so I just followed the campers around a lot. :) I helped out with some of the activities during free time, and worked in the office a few days for a little while. The messages this week were amazing! I think I was initially thinking, "this is just going to be for the campers", but the Lord definitely worked in my heart as well! Even during the Junior week, a lot of the messages were really helpful for me too. I was able to counsel after the services 4 nights. The first night, I was scared to death as I walked to the back, since I've never done that with teens before. I was praying the whole time before the kids came back, "Lord, give me wisdom!" And He did! Two of the nights especially I was excited to see the verses the Lord gave me, and it was exciting to see Him work in the hearts of the two girls. It was also neat that they were problems I struggle with myself, so I was able to find verses for myself as well. It was a good week! There were a few campers saved, I believe, but there were many that left without getting saved. We're praying that the Lord will continue to work on their hearts as they go home. A lot of them came from really bad backgrounds, and it was hard for them to trust anyone. 

I have to apologize for the lack of exciting pictures this week...since I wasn't counseling, and therefore wasn't very involved, I don't have very many good pictures. So you'll just have to live with these few. Sorry! :) 

Julie and I didn't counsel this week, so we hung out a lot. This was on registration day- I helped with the sports table, and she helped announce which counselors should come pick up campers.

Pyramid Panic! The goal of this game is for the guys to get a big ball over the top of the pyramid, and then the girls try to score it in one of the big goal things. :) It was a pretty intense game!

This is what I do when I'm bored... :) Sarah and I didn't have anything to do in the office, so we did arm wrestling. I lost to her, but I won to her sister! (who is 11 :))

During teen weeks, some of the guys can participate in Iron Man competitions. Every day, they do a different contest. This was before the canoe race started- the whole camp comes to watch it. :)

Skit night! This is Mr. Ream explaining "She'll be comin' round Honolulu" :)

And this is me cracking up during that song. It is so hard to remember the melody when Mr. Ream's being crazy and the campers are all singing loudly! But it's SO much fun! 

The Camp Joy quartet - Mr. Shelton, Mr. Stephen, Ben, and Mr. Todd. They sing a barbershop quartet-type piece every skit night about a goat. It's pretty funny :) I would put up a video, but blogger won't really cooperate with me... 

And this is another skit that I play for. Ben and Mr. Ream sing a song about an Indian, but before they actually start singing, they do a lot of arguing :) And I start and stop playing a lot. You'd have to see it to really get it. :)

So Julie and I operated the bungaline every day during girls' free time. The bungaline is a trampoline with a harness, so you can jump really high and do flips and whatever. Well on this lovely day, we got off to a great start! We figured out how much the girl weighed, got the ropes all set up, got the harness attached to the ropes, got the girl on the trampoline, and released everything....without the girl in it! We were cracking up. :) Forgot the one minor detail of actually putting the harness on the girl! And it is HARD to get the harness back down especially without anyone in it! Never doing that again... :)

Last day- the Navigators won!! Ashley and Allison did a cabin challenge- whichever girl's cabin said the most verses got to put a pie in the face of the other counselor. They've done this challenge twice so far, and both times, Ashley's lost! This is right before the pie throwing while Allison's cabin did their cabin cheer.

And there she goes! I sacrificed a lot to get this picture! I ended up with whipped cream on my clothes because it went flying, as you can see in the picture. :)

Every Saturday, the housekeeping girls mop the hallways, so they put all the shoes in one room. Isn't that ridiculous?! :)

We girls have WAY too many shoes. And my ___ pairs of shoes don't help for sure. :)

Next week is the last Family camp for the summer. They're expecting around 160 people, which will be like the biggest camp we've had yet! I know already that I'll be working in infant nursery at night again, and I'll be helping with games for the Juniors at night. Other than that, I'm not too sure what else I'll be up to...maybe painting again? Who knows... :) I think it's going to be a good week, though, and I've heard that the speaker is really good! Pray for all of the staff here, as many are sick, and all of us are really tired. We're going to need energy! :) And pray that the Lord works in our lives and the families' lives this coming week.  

1 comment:

  1. Good idea from the housekeeping girls to put all those shoes away :)
    Don't worry about the lost armwrestling match - my girlfriend lost to her mom :(
