Sunday, July 17, 2011

Junior Camp 2

Well, I've finished my second week of counseling now! I must say...this week was much harder than my first one. I had 9 campers again, but a lot of them came from bad or strange backgrounds/don't go to church very often/were unsaved, etc. I had one whose family is part of a bus ministry with a rough family background, so she really tested my patience all week. :) She wouldn't listen to me the first, or second, or even third time, usually... Then I had one camper who says her family goes to church most of the time, but based on some things she told me, it seemed inconsistent... So I had struggles with her too. And you know how it goes when two get together and the others follow. :) It was a rough week, but the Lord was definitely teaching me patience and reminding me that I can do nothing on my own. There was nothing I could do to change the campers' lives, but He could. None of my campers made professions of faith or any major decisions this week, but the groundwork was laid, and they've all heard the gospel clearly now. We're praying that the Lord will continue to work in all the campers' hearts as they go home. 

I have a lot more pictures this week, since I was counseling, buuuut blogger won't let me upload but 4 right now and I've run out of time, so you'll have to wait until next week. I'm sorry!! :)

Me and Keren, a primary camper in someone else's cabin

Ashley, Keren, and Bethany

The girls at the counselor meeting on Saturday

Me with my cool door sign before my campers came :)

Next week is Teen Camp 2. I'm not counseling, so I'll try to find ways to keep myself busy... :) Pray for the campers' and staff's hearts!

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