Saturday, July 23, 2011

Teen Camp 2

This has been an interesting week. I don't know how the weather was at home or other places, but up here, it was over 100 one or more days and extremely hot and humid! It was pretty miserable... I actually got in the water during lakefront time two days because it was just too hot to sit on the docks. But besides the weather, it was a very good week. :) First... there were many campers saved this week! We were able to see some staff kids saved even! There were some who were saved that we would have never guessed that to be the case, which taught us to be really careful and look for fruits of salvation. We also saw some saved who come from really bad backgrounds and we knew needed to be saved. I know a lot of campers made decisions this week. The Lord has also been teaching me a lot and working in my heart this week- the main thing being that He is the One in control. Even if I have no idea why things go one way and not another (which is also me wanting my way over God's way), He knows exactly why and has a perfect purpose for everything. I've been able to give some things over to Him, and He's already answered prayers and shown me things! 
And ... Jacquelyn came up here this week to work as the nurse! It was fun to see someone from home and get to spend time with her. I was able to stay with her two nights, which means I got to experience A/C and a super comfortable bed! :) The Lord also used her in my life this week, which was really encouraging. 

I don't have a lot of great pictures this week since I wasn't counseling, but I'll show you what I have! :)

Counselor/program staff choir on Sunday night. 

Me at the top of the rope swing. That and boating (dragging canoes out for people) are seriously the hardest jobs at lakefront. And since I can't swim, I get assigned to them a lot! :) Whoever is at the top of the rope swing has to hold the hook things and catch the rope every time someone swings off of the rope and the rope comes back toward me. Only sometimes it doesn't come all the way back, or I can't reach it, so the person in the water has to throw it back to me. :) But the hook is really heavy and so is the rope (especially when it's wet), so I've almost fallen over several times! :) 

Someone coming to a crashing stop at the end of the sky glide as Micheal tries to grab him to keep him from dragging on the ground. Someone else is working the break and tries to stop them before they drag the ground, but it doesn't always work. :) I was working harnesses this day, so I enjoyed watching the different landings and I got to ride it for the 3rd time this summer. :)

Clara, me, and Ashley before the service Friday night.

Me and Ashley

The Op Staff choir singing on Friday night.

The blue team counselors waiting nervously as Mr. Stephen read off the scores for surprise cabin inspection scores. :)

And the red team counselors

Jacquelyn and me

Tizzy and some of her siblings were here this week as well- this is Tizzy, me, Mary, and Jacquelyn

Jacquelyn and Sarah

Look at those faces! :) The guy on the left and the two girls were getting ready to get pies thrown in their faces. :)




And the three of them. :)

Me and Sarah

Tonight, we ate supper at Mr. Todd's house. Julie and Caris enjoyed sitting on the trampoline (we weren't allowed to jump on it) :)

Some of the staff playing volleyball. I took a ton of pictures trying to get good action shots, but I was only able to get a few good ones. :/ They aren't blog-worthy though. :)  

Camp starts right back up tomorrow afternoon with another teen camp. I'm not counseling, so I'll see what different jobs I can find for myself to do. :) Hopefully I'll be able to get to know the campers and counsel some after the services. This week there were more campers that went forward instead of going back, but every week is different in terms of responsiveness. I'm looking forward to what the Lord's going to do, and I appreciate your prayers!

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