Sunday, June 19, 2011

Family Camp 1

This week was our first week of family camp! I didn't really have specific assignments during the day, but I helped out with activities, babysitting, playing piano occasionally, painting one day ;), etc. During the evening services, I kept infant nursery, which was....interesting. :) We had 3 or 4 babies every night ranging from 2 & 1/2 months to 18 or so months. I was telling someone here that I feel like I got more experience this week with babies than I have at church nursery in 2 years, because I kept it every night! It was fun, though. It was a good week to remind me of my purpose at camp- to serve others.

This next week is going to be a combined family camp and Junior camp. I have no idea how this is working. :) I will be counseling, though, and I'm looking forward to it! Please pray for me that I would have the energy to make it through the week, and that I would have wisdom in dealing with each of my campers. I'm excited to see how the Lord's going to work!

And now.....picture time!

This was on the first day. Bethany and Kaylee were assigned to welcome people, and we ended up filling up a lot of balloons for the kids. It looked very festive in the office. :)

Caris and I

Camp's speedboat! I got to go out on it one day to help with getting tubers on and off the boat, but I haven't actually tubed yet. Maybe I will before the summer ends. ;)

My first time riding a horse! It wasn't terribly exciting, but it was kind of cool to be up on one. :)

My first time on the bungaline! I did two back flips too. :) It was fun!

This is my cabin name...Crown Coronado. Any advice on cheers? :/

Craft time during Junior service in the morning.

Julie painting the pyramid. This is before. Stay tuned for the after picture... :)

FuN cAsTLe!! This is a big bouncy thing for the kids at night. I got in it one night... It was way more fun than playing volleyball, in my opinion. :)

Tizzy is here for another week! It's been nice to see a familiar face. :)

Me playing "She'll be comin' 'round Honolulu" with Mr. Ream leading the campers. :) It's a lot of fun!

Ok, really blurry b/c I couldn't use the flash, but this is during some of the guy counselors' Facebook skit. They're all "liking" something at this point. :) This is Micheal, Dan, Nathan, Luke, and Tyler.

Caris and baby Jorge.

Me and baby Kherington.

Oh the joys of painting the bathhouse... :) 

Family lakefront pretty! 

And here's the after picture. Some other people worked on it besides Julie, but they all did a great job! I think Mr. Todd drew it on there- it's pretty amazing! 

Well, I'm off to start a new week! Please pray for me and all the campers this week. :)

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